To delete skin you need to open the folder i.e. You can’t remove rainmeter skin by opening add or removing the program. Here find and click on the rainmeter logo and uninstall the program. There you will see Apps click on it to open a list of all the installed programs on your PC. Windows 10 users can delete the rainmeter by pressing the Windows logo key + I to open settings. However, you can change the location of the skins folder from Rainmeter’s settings. If Rainmeter has been installed in a default location, then you can find the Skins folder in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins. Once you download skin it is stored in Rainmeter’s “Skins” folder. Where can I find Rainmeter skin on my PC? All skins are approved after security check but for the time being, only download the skin that is in. Here they have made a specific section relating to skin download. If you want to download rainmeter skin then always visit their official website i.e. Where can I download Rainmeter skin safely? At the same time, it also depends upon the type of PC in an average PC having normal RAM and CPU power you will see performance issues while loading rainmeter skins. Then you will see a slight fall in your PC performance. If you are only running rainmeter.exe then it will not put any load on your CPU but if you have added multiple Skins to enhance your experience.

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